We all feel like this bird. |
2. Burt's Bees = great. Right? But even better than the original crack is their Honey Lip Balm. I think I stopped using it for a while because David thought it smelled funny when I'd go to kiss him, but now I say 'screw that noise' because I found a tube in a coat pocket and started using it again and ohmygoodness, the stuff works. I can honestly see and feel a difference that lasts so much longer than anything else I've been using recently.
3. This sounds funky, but I promise it's awesome - I've been "washing" my face with oil. I mix evoo with almond oil and a touch of jasmine essential oil, rub it all over my face (not missing my eyelids, lashes, lips, and neck) and then I get a washcloth really warm and lay it over my face for a minute before wiping the oil off. No harsh soaps and hot scalding water. My skin feels so soft and looks radiant and toned and I haven't had that feeling of "my skin is so dry I'm going to start crying" yet this season! (Here's the oil cleansing method from SimpleMom.net)
4. Not showering. Ew. But I have my dad's dry, Minnesota winter skin, and in the past I have developed such horribly dry skin that I can't do anything but cry about it while lathering on the lotion. This year I've been practicing not showering and washing my hair every single day, as much as I love that scalding hot, moisture zapping water, and I'm
5. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand lotion. The end. Look no further.
6. Hot Toddies (is that even the plural for toddy?) - bourbon, honey, lemon, Celestial Seasoning's Bengal Spice tea.