I wanted to go to H&M this weekend and bugged David about it until he drove to the Plaza with me and dropped me off so he could find a parking place. In an effort to get me out of H&M he pulled a trick so sneaky I would never have seen it coming: he bought me a cupcake.
Of course, I was so excited that I promptly dropped my potential purchases and followed him out of the store to eat it gave him a kiss and made him hold it while I bought a polka dot shirt.
I ate the cupcake the next morning. Chocolate with strawberry frosting. Then last night (after eating strawberries and chocolate fondue with a friend) I had a dream that I was in a shop and had to decide which dessert I wanted. I was really stressed out trying to pick the slice of cake or cupcake that had the perfect ratio of cake to frosting. I kept going back and forth between a big cupcake with too much frosting and a piece of layer cake with not so much frosting on top, but lots between the layers. It was a horrible dream. And no, I'm not pregnant.
From my Pinterest board {via heather christo.com} |